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An Introduction to Teresa of Avila’s Seven Mansions
Catholicism, Spirituality, Prayer Elizabeth Russell Catholicism, Spirituality, Prayer Elizabeth Russell

An Introduction to Teresa of Avila’s Seven Mansions

The structure of the mansions:

To begin with, Teresa uses two gorgeous visuals to help us understand the structure of our souls, and the dwelling place of the Lord.

Your soul is like two things: one, it is like a crystal, and two, it is like a many-tiered mansion. Putting them together, your soul is like a many-tiered mansion which is made out of crystal.

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Reclaiming Catholic Culture through Classic Literature: An Interview with Joseph Pearce
Catholicism, Literature Elizabeth Russell Catholicism, Literature Elizabeth Russell

Reclaiming Catholic Culture through Classic Literature: An Interview with Joseph Pearce

You may know him as the acclaimed expert on J.R.R. Tolkien, or you may know him for his Ignatius Press critical editions of the classics, but Joseph Pearce is also the dedicated editor for St. Austin Review (StAR), a publication committed to reclaiming culture.

The magazine centers on reviews of classical reads, articles that delve deeper into children and adult literature, and advice for why and how to approach the classics, so I was very excited when I found them! I reached out to Joseph Pearce, and he kindly agreed to share the story behind StAR, as well as some of his insider wisdom on the importance of reading the classics, particularly for Catholics.

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Jesus’ Plan to Reveal the Father to Men and Women
Catholicism, Creation, Emotion Wheel Elizabeth Russell Catholicism, Creation, Emotion Wheel Elizabeth Russell

Jesus’ Plan to Reveal the Father to Men and Women

I shall begin. My plan for men is for their greatest good. Shall I tell you? It is so beautiful! It is radiant! It is my desire to turn back the veil, the many, many veils, that separate them from the sight of my Father, and the inner knowledge of Him, which I possess. It was for this that I came into the world, it was for this that My Mother was placed here for such long a time, to imbue men and women with a direct image of the Father, and to indicate me, who am also a direct image of the Father.

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God in the Darkness of Miracles
Catholicism, Scripture Elizabeth Russell Catholicism, Scripture Elizabeth Russell

God in the Darkness of Miracles

It can be tempting to think of miracles as purely positive, uplifting things, and to only notice them when we see happy fruit, which is obvious to our very limited, mortal sight.

Miracles, however, - while always producing good fruit - nevertheless often include something unpleasant: a step we usually overlook, as a trial, and not something which is intrinsically part of the miracle itself.

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Surrender in the Midst of the Sea: Message from God the Father
Catholicism, Creation, health, Meditation, Prayer, Prophecy Elizabeth Russell Catholicism, Creation, health, Meditation, Prayer, Prophecy Elizabeth Russell

Surrender in the Midst of the Sea: Message from God the Father

There are two worlds, my child. Two worlds, and two loves. What do you love? You love Me. What does the world love? It loves money. It loves comfort. It loves false stability. As you seek MY stability within the world which loves money, you are tossed from this place to that! How can you land anywhere? EVEN MY CHURCH HAS CHOSEN MONEY BEFORE ME…

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She Is My Everything

She Is My Everything

God has given you this treasure… He hath not given her to you so that you may be exalted, but the very gift of her exalts you! As Jesus was given to Mary not to exalt her, but because the very gift of Him within her was her exaltation, so is woman to you, oh man. The very gift of woman to you, oh man, exalts you.

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The Peace of Christ in the Thousand Years
Catholicism Elizabeth Russell Catholicism Elizabeth Russell

The Peace of Christ in the Thousand Years

People think that if they have the peace of God, they have the ability to be perfectly tranquil and loving, no matter what others do to them, or experiences they endure…

They think the era of peace, to come, shall be full of individuals who smile at each other benignly, and bow placidly, when they meet…

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How the World Sees Reality Upside Down: The Priority of Goods

How the World Sees Reality Upside Down: The Priority of Goods

Once we see how the world values its priorities, will we be able to invert that order, and see how God values everything? I’m always fascinated by trying to see myself, others, and the world through God’s eyes, and I had a feeling that I might be looking at the world all wrong.

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The Flight House Prayer
Prayer, Spirituality, Catholicism Elizabeth Russell Prayer, Spirituality, Catholicism Elizabeth Russell

The Flight House Prayer

Holy Family, I entrust myself to you. Like a little child alongside Jesus, I will follow you wherever you intend to lead me. Your Flight into Egypt was a time of renewal. It redeemed the horrors suffered by the Israelites in the desert. With perfect trust, you did not overstrike stones or build golden calves, but followed the pillar of fire, Jesus, and His Father in Heaven.

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Veiled Woman: Chapter 3 – Veiled Woman

Veiled Woman: Chapter 3 – Veiled Woman

The veil of woman is the symbol that most accurately portrays the truth of her mystery. The vocation of woman to receive love is contained in the veiled and hidden nature of her life; it is within the hidden and secret chambers of a woman that she accepts the love offered, and through which she glorifies it, before giving it back to the world.

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Veiled Woman: Chapter 2 - A Woman’s Proper Sphere

Veiled Woman: Chapter 2 - A Woman’s Proper Sphere

Many women are called to exercise their gifts outside, or in addition to, the family sphere, and when properly practiced, this call does not negate the gift of love a woman is called to bestow upon others. For, while woman is not called to ignore or deny her gifts (unless a specific situation arises in which something greater is demanded of her sacrificially), yet she is encouraged to put those gifts to the service of those she loves.

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Introduction to Veiled Woman in the World

Introduction to Veiled Woman in the World

How can we reconcile an authoritative Catherine of Sienna with the obedient fiat of Mother Mary? Judith, from the Old Testament, represents woman as strong, commanding, and unyielding, but the woman of Proverbs 31 represents woman as humble, caring, and merciful. It is on account of these seemingly incompatible images that the nature of woman presents a paradox to the world. How are we to understand woman’s relation to reality, and the role that she plays therein, and where can we find a key to unlock this great mystery?

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