A prayer I wrote for my home and business a few years ago. This aided me tremendously in surrendering myself to The Holy Family, and accepting the time of renewal and new life the Lord was infusing into my heart at that time.
If you are going through a similar phase in life at this time, I pray this prayer can benefit you as well.
I encourage meditating on the image of the Holy Family before going to Egypt, and their years spent therein, imagining yourself as another child, a little sister or brother, within their family circle.
Holy Family, I entrust myself to you. Like a little child alongside Jesus, I will follow you wherever you intend to lead me. Your Flight into Egypt was a time of renewal. It redeemed the horrors suffered by the Israelites in the desert. With perfect trust, you did not overstrike stones or build golden calves, but followed the pillar of fire, Jesus, and His Father in Heaven.
Please protect me against doubt, mistrust, and fear. I know not what renewal you wish to work in my heart, or what about my past you wish to redeem, but I trust you to work that transformation within my soul.
Wherever you choose to lead me, St. Joseph, I will follow you.
Whenever you wish to hold me, Mother Mary, I curl into you.
Whenever you wish to play with me, Jesus, I will run with you.