Man, you say your first priority is your wife…

I say to you - No!

Your wife is not your first priority… she is your ONLY priority.

Have you become so encased in the lies of the world that you think you must have other priorities besides her? Do you pursue your own dreams, your own goals, your own exultation, in any way, apart from her?

Put it aside!

God has given you this treasure… He hath not given her to you so that you may be exalted, but the very gift of her exalts you! As Jesus was given to Mary not to exalt her, but because the very gift of Him within her was her exaltation, so is woman to you, oh man. The very gift of woman to you, oh man, exalts you.

Seek not your own ends, or priorities… No! She IS your priority. Her safety, sense of security, sense of being loved… her sense of belovedness, her holiness, her physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual security is your one and only end. You have chosen her, vowed to her: now CHOOSE her.

Choose her above every other end, and every other end will fall into place as it is meant to be. Praise God, above all, for this great gift, and learn of God from her, for she is the radiant mirror of His love for you.

Say not that your wife is your first priority… say, rather, “She is my one and only. She is my everything.”


Petitionary Prayer for the Warning


A Stirring of a New Renaissance