She Is My Everything
God has given you this treasure… He hath not given her to you so that you may be exalted, but the very gift of her exalts you! As Jesus was given to Mary not to exalt her, but because the very gift of Him within her was her exaltation, so is woman to you, oh man. The very gift of woman to you, oh man, exalts you.
Home is the Heart of a Woman
Before I could meet the man who would become my husband, I believed I needed to extend myself into the working world, with my feminine genius, to make my mark, change lives, and earn an income. Then, once I had made those external victories, I would be formed enough to meet the man of my dreams, leave the public sphere, and have children. Then we could relax, take a deep breathe, and declare, “At last, we are home.”
Only this Ghastly Age…
Even were he to land on a desert island, the modern man would believe he was superior to the Divine. He does not consider how he will survive all on his lonesome or how he will propagate, for such pursuits are extraneous to the simple and ultimate fact…
I apologize, but the search engine can be a bit finicky. First try usually gets you a ‘no results’ message, but just push that enter button again, and what you’re looking for should pop up. Happy Reading!