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Jesus’ Plan to Reveal the Father to Men and Women
Catholicism, Creation, Emotion Wheel Elizabeth Russell Catholicism, Creation, Emotion Wheel Elizabeth Russell

Jesus’ Plan to Reveal the Father to Men and Women

I shall begin. My plan for men is for their greatest good. Shall I tell you? It is so beautiful! It is radiant! It is my desire to turn back the veil, the many, many veils, that separate them from the sight of my Father, and the inner knowledge of Him, which I possess. It was for this that I came into the world, it was for this that My Mother was placed here for such long a time, to imbue men and women with a direct image of the Father, and to indicate me, who am also a direct image of the Father.

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Surrender in the Midst of the Sea: Message from God the Father
Catholicism, Creation, health, Meditation, Prayer, Prophecy Elizabeth Russell Catholicism, Creation, health, Meditation, Prayer, Prophecy Elizabeth Russell

Surrender in the Midst of the Sea: Message from God the Father

There are two worlds, my child. Two worlds, and two loves. What do you love? You love Me. What does the world love? It loves money. It loves comfort. It loves false stability. As you seek MY stability within the world which loves money, you are tossed from this place to that! How can you land anywhere? EVEN MY CHURCH HAS CHOSEN MONEY BEFORE ME…

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She Is My Everything

She Is My Everything

God has given you this treasure… He hath not given her to you so that you may be exalted, but the very gift of her exalts you! As Jesus was given to Mary not to exalt her, but because the very gift of Him within her was her exaltation, so is woman to you, oh man. The very gift of woman to you, oh man, exalts you.

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