Jesus’ Plan to Reveal the Father to Men and Women
I shall begin. My plan for men is for their greatest good. Shall I tell you? It is so beautiful! It is radiant! It is my desire to turn back the veil, the many, many veils, that separate them from the sight of my Father, and the inner knowledge of Him, which I possess. It was for this that I came into the world, it was for this that My Mother was placed here for such long a time, to imbue men and women with a direct image of the Father, and to indicate me, who am also a direct image of the Father.
How to Travel the Emotion Wheel
All 7 of these emotions are good, and serve a purpose of centering us in the Lord, but they can also become overwhelming when they grow too great, and threaten to control us, rather than guide us. Therefore, there is a process by which we can travel out of a specific emotion, and - unsurprisingly - that process is Biblical.
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