How Creation Speaks of God
This article contains references to private conversation between me and Christ. For deeper understanding regarding how I approach my private revelations, received in prayer, please see this article.
The indentations are the Lord’s responses, as I understood them, heard within the still, small place of my soul, and not heard as direct words in my mind, or outside my ear.
Lord, is there an order in which the things of your creation tell of you better than other things?
Can you please tell me this order?
Does it have to do with the priorities list I made?
With any systems you have introduced me to so far?
Then I release all preconceptions, and ask you to teach me.
Good. Now, my daughter, think for a moment about all the things that are…
Physical things, or also the intangibles?
The things I have created, which are not aspects of myself.
I am a bit lost, trying to think of it right now.
What most readily makes you think of me?
The sky.
What after that?
What after that?
What after that?
Artwork, created things by the hands of man, which reflect the beauties of sky, flowers, and water.
Are these the order in which other people also come to be reminded of you?
These are common themes.
This is very beautiful, but I’m afraid I don’t understand…
What do you not understand?
What order is this? What are you trying to show me?
It is first nature, then created things by men, which is the beginning of the order by which my creation speaks of me.
It is not men themselves?
No. Not on a conscious level. Men show me through the practice of their virtue, but the sky, plants, and water speak of me no matter their behavior or flow. Men also show me through their creations. If there is truth and beauty within the creation, then they are speaking of me.
When I asked better, I meant fuller, I think, but now I am wondering… do the sky, plants, and water speak of you most simply and readily? And in this way they are best? While creations, mankind, and animals speak of you in more complex ways, so that they reveal deeper truths, which are less readily accessible to the human mind? Is this true, or am I on the wrong track?
It is true. I desire to reveal myself first in the simplest and most easily grasped ways. Then, I unveil deeper truths over time, through more complex means.
Did you do this with creation, in the order by which you made it?
Yes and no. I constantly flowed back and forth between them, but also crafted more and more complex as I went along.
So, first the heavens, which speak of you so readily.
Then the earth, which can be hit or miss.
Then the light, which speaks of you constantly.
Then darkness, in which we struggle to find you.
Then the firmament, which is more grounded, and feels more separate from you.
But also the waters, which speak of you.
Light and darkness again, always one which points dramatically to you, and another which seems not to. But darkness, and earth, and the ground must speak of you in some way….
So they do, but mainly as a reminder that I am creative, and not all things proclaim me at every moment, in full clarity.
Oh, God, but let the earth proclaim you! Let the ground rise up to speak of you!!!
What do you think it was doing in the time of Noah? There were no mountains before the flood, but when the flood came, the earth itself, because man had grown silent, lifted itself to the Heavens to proclaim me! Now, mankind treks upward toward the summits of the lower atmosphere, to reach the higher, and be reminded of me! So shall it be again, in the latter days. Because men are silent, the earth resounds.
Praise your name, oh God!
Then you created the swimmers, the flyers, and the creepers, and in more complex ways, they both spoke of you and did not speak of you. Then again, on the seventh, you created man and woman. Who both spoke of you, and yet were their own entities, with their own separate souls and free wills, and so did not speak of you. Praise your name!
I Am praised!