Wise and Foolish Artists
No artwork, done for its own sake, is worthy of a Catholic artist. Only that which is dedicated to the glory of God, and which deepens our own virtue and relationship with Him is worthy of our time, for everything we create here will pass away, even if it is the greatest artistic achievement of all time! And yet, your soul will not pass away. I do not mean you must become a Doctor of the Church, writing only of mystical and doctrinal truths, but that even if you are called to fashion a countertop for your neighbor’s kitchen, the activity and completion, when done in humility and obedience, must bring you deeper into the service and love of God. This progress you can only achieve interiorly, and it will not be visible to others. To others you appear to be nothing but a songwriter, a carpenter, or an author like anyone else, but within, you are daily and humbly growing your heart for God…
Bridging the Divide between Culture and the Church
Reclaiming Beauty, Art, and Language
How Creation Speaks of God
Men show me through the practice of their virtue, but the sky, plants, and water speak of me no matter their behavior or flow. Men also show me through their creations. If there is truth and beauty within the creation, then they are speaking of me.
Medicine Series: Introduction
believe in supplementing with vitamins and minerals, in drinking healthier water, in avoiding chemicals, gluten, soy, and processed foods. They say it because they believe in organic farming, sustainable living, and fewer electronic devices.
So do I.
These things are self-evident. With a glance around our world, we can and do see how we have poisoned those very things that ought to bring us life.
I apologize, but the search engine can be a bit finicky. First try usually gets you a ‘no results’ message, but just push that enter button again, and what you’re looking for should pop up. Happy Reading!