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How the World Sees Reality Upside Down: The Priority of Goods

How the World Sees Reality Upside Down: The Priority of Goods

Once we see how the world values its priorities, will we be able to invert that order, and see how God values everything? I’m always fascinated by trying to see myself, others, and the world through God’s eyes, and I had a feeling that I might be looking at the world all wrong.

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Medicine Series: Introduction
Medicine, Spirituality Elizabeth Russell Medicine, Spirituality Elizabeth Russell

Medicine Series: Introduction

believe in supplementing with vitamins and minerals, in drinking healthier water, in avoiding chemicals, gluten, soy, and processed foods. They say it because they believe in organic farming, sustainable living, and fewer electronic devices.

So do I.

These things are self-evident. With a glance around our world, we can and do see how we have poisoned those very things that ought to bring us life.

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I apologize, but the search engine can be a bit finicky. First try usually gets you a ‘no results’ message, but just push that enter button again, and what you’re looking for should pop up. Happy Reading!