Homemade Shampoo for Everyday Use
This is written based on my own experience, so please feel free to adjust it, and experiment with amounts and methods.
2 cups Aloe Vera Juice - I get mine at Trader Joes
1 cup rice water - 1 hour of soaking minimum, but the older it is, the more effective it is
1 whole egg - yolk and egg white
2 tbls raw milk (from any animal) - If you have no access to raw, pasteurized will work, though not as well
Essential oils
6-8 drops of a light top note
4-6 drops of a middle note - I recommend Rosemary, as it is an excellent oil for the hair. Also adding dried Rosemary or a fresh sprig of it to the recipe is excellent
2-4 drops of a heavy base note
Pour shampoo over the head, distribute with the hand, and rinse. Do this three times.
No need to let this mixture sit in the hair or on the roots. It works quickly, and will dry hair if left in too long. Be sure to comb out any egg left in hair - you can also strain the mixture before-hand to help with this.
This shampoo thoroughly cleans the hair of natural and foreign elements, leaving it wightless, quick to dry, and (if you have blonde hair) golden in color.
This recipe will last four days in the fridge. Use day of, then save the leftovers as your next shampoo. If unused, throw out on day 5.
TIP 1: Shampoo every 4 days, and in-between, apply powder (arrowroot, tapioca, potato, or corn) if needed to roots, to add texture, and reduce any signs of oily hair.
Tip 2: After drying, you can apply a light amount of oil to hair to add lustre, as this mixture will strip it slightly.
Tip 3: If showering, be careful the rinse water is not too hot, as it will cook the egg as you rinse, making it much harder to wash/comb out.
Tip 4: Since I have very long hair, I will dunk the ends into the jar of shampoo to be sure I get every part of it.