Wise and Foolish Artists

No artwork, done for its own sake, is worthy of a Catholic artist. Only that which is dedicated to the glory of God, and which deepens our own virtue and relationship with Him is worthy of our time, for everything we create here will pass away, even if it is the greatest artistic achievement of all time! And yet, your soul will not pass away. I do not mean you must become a Doctor of the Church, writing only of mystical and doctrinal truths, but that even if you are called to fashion a countertop for your neighbor’s kitchen, the activity and completion, when done in humility and obedience, must bring you deeper into the service and love of God. This progress you can only achieve interiorly, and it will not be visible to others. To others you appear to be nothing but a songwriter, a carpenter, or an author like anyone else, but within, you are daily and humbly growing your heart for God.

Are you a wise, or a foolish virgin? The wise virgins purchased enough oil to fuel their lamps with strength and devotion to God, and this they did in secret. The depths of their oil was only made visible at the final hour, when it was needed. This reservoir of oil is your devotion to God.

Every person endures trials in this life, and if we have not devoted ourselves to filling the reservoirs of our physical, mental, and spiritual strength in order to meet these trials, then we are foolish, our lamps will burn out, and we will walk away from the Lord.

Will you hide your talent, or build it up? Will you dedicate this labor to God, and give it to Him when he returns, or horde the little the Lord has given you unto yourself, viewing God as a harsh master? If you do this, you servant of God, you are a foolish virgin, and have not been wise with that which you were given.


A Stirring of a New Renaissance


The Peace of Christ in the Thousand Years