Prayer for Radiant Femininity
God, my Father, as you call us into this new age of Woman, dedicated to the Holy Spouses, Mother Mary and the Holy Spirit, I pray you to unite in marriage the souls, minds, and bodies of holy men and women. In particular, woman who embody the deeply beautiful gift of radiant femininity.
For the fulfillment of this prayer, we ask you to imbue in your women the virtues of femininity. Form us in the general womanly virtues, encased in Mary, of profound humility, lively faith, blind obedience, continual mental prayer, mortification in all things, wisdom, ardent charity, heroic patience, and angelic sweetness.
In addition to these, we ask you to reveal to us the particular virtues you have called us to live out in our own lives, so that we, also, may participate in this standard of a new and deeper understanding of marriage.
Forgive us our trespasses, and guide us to the way of salvation. Oh my Father, make Your Will manifest on earth, as it is in Heaven, and allow me to be an instrument of grace in bringing this to be!