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God in the Darkness of Miracles
Catholicism, Scripture Elizabeth Russell Catholicism, Scripture Elizabeth Russell

God in the Darkness of Miracles

It can be tempting to think of miracles as purely positive, uplifting things, and to only notice them when we see happy fruit, which is obvious to our very limited, mortal sight.

Miracles, however, - while always producing good fruit - nevertheless often include something unpleasant: a step we usually overlook, as a trial, and not something which is intrinsically part of the miracle itself.

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“I Must Provide for Myself”
The Nature of Man and Woman, Woman Elizabeth Russell The Nature of Man and Woman, Woman Elizabeth Russell

“I Must Provide for Myself”

The way the Lord created men and women to live is radically different from the current systems of the world. Because it is so radical, He does not call everyone to live in it, all at once, immediately eschewing the paths of the world. This would lead to overwhelm and collapse.

Rather, He desires to shift the world into a fuller and richer system, doing so gently, even as He guided the early Christians into the establishment of Christianity. That shift was both radical, and a natural process, with stages and steps.

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How to Travel the Emotion Wheel
Emotion Wheel Elizabeth Russell Emotion Wheel Elizabeth Russell

How to Travel the Emotion Wheel

All 7 of these emotions are good, and serve a purpose of centering us in the Lord, but they can also become overwhelming when they grow too great, and threaten to control us, rather than guide us. Therefore, there is a process by which we can travel out of a specific emotion, and - unsurprisingly - that process is Biblical.

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