The Untold Story
There is a story I’ve been trying to tell my whole life. It’s the reason I tell stories.
Sometimes I come very near to it, either in writing or in reading, but the note is never quite perfect, never quite completed, the taste never quite right. Or else I find it to be too apologetic, or else too sarcastic.
As far as I can tell, from the pieces I have put together thus far, it involves a graveyard and a garden. It features a heroic, magnificent knight who is utterly broken, and a broken heroine who is also utterly magnificent. There lurks in the shadows of the tale the ultimate evil of a dragon, and the ultimate innocence of a unicorn. It involves in the forefront a lion and a doorway, and the journey consists of a descent to the underworld and a rising to the afterworld. In its very fabric it communicates final suffering, and ultimate joy.
Surrender in the Midst of the Sea: Message from God the Father
There are two worlds, my child. Two worlds, and two loves. What do you love? You love Me. What does the world love? It loves money. It loves comfort. It loves false stability. As you seek MY stability within the world which loves money, you are tossed from this place to that! How can you land anywhere? EVEN MY CHURCH HAS CHOSEN MONEY BEFORE ME…
Ask Like Mary
Pleased to demonstrate the lengths you will go for the sake of your beloved, you grin, and tell them…
I apologize, but the search engine can be a bit finicky. First try usually gets you a ‘no results’ message, but just push that enter button again, and what you’re looking for should pop up. Happy Reading!