Table of Contents to “A Paradox: Veiled Woman in the World”
The ultimate goal of this thesis is to lead the reader to a more complete understanding of who woman is, why she is such, and how we are to embrace her unique nature, which is so universally misunderstood. It is not a question that offers a ready answer, but one that, when answered, opens multiple horizons for women’s fulfillment, and invites us to continue searching it out, in all its nuances, within our personal lives.
Litany of Courage
Oh Jesus, Lion of Judah,
Hear me.
From the fear of displeasing you,
Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of disappointing you,
Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of not being enough,
Only this Ghastly Age…
Even were he to land on a desert island, the modern man would believe he was superior to the Divine. He does not consider how he will survive all on his lonesome or how he will propagate, for such pursuits are extraneous to the simple and ultimate fact…
Medicine Series: 3 Views of Pain
There are two philosophies regarding pain which I have yet come across. There may be some room for interpretation or variation within each, but by and large they distill down to what I call the Modern World View and the…
On the Catholic Propensity, in Literature, to Glorify Pain
But if we Catholics are obsessed with suffering, it is no more than society at large… only our suffering looks a little different.
How O’Connor’s characters seem to suffer needlessly, and when they oughtn’t to! And all of it, like my dressing in the morning, appears self-inflicted.
Prayer: Honor You
Prayer: The Desires of My Heart
Prayer: My Lord Provides
I apologize, but the search engine can be a bit finicky. First try usually gets you a ‘no results’ message, but just push that enter button again, and what you’re looking for should pop up. Happy Reading!