Table of Contents to “A Paradox: Veiled Woman in the World”

By Elizabeth Bernadette Teresa Russell

A Thesis presented to Northeast Catholic College In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Sixteen For partial fulfillment of a Bachelor’s Degree In Liberal Arts with Distinction and with a Concentration in Philosophy

Dedicated to My Own Mother who, through her life, has set for me an exemplary illustration of how to live with a receptive, giving nature. And to Mother Mary, who is the perfect example of a woman who loves perfectly.

Table of Contents

“The ultimate goal of this thesis is to lead the reader to a more complete understanding of who woman is, why she is such, and how we are to embrace her unique nature, which is so universally misunderstood. It is not a question that offers a ready answer, but one that, when answered, opens multiple horizons for women’s fulfillment, and invites us to continue searching it out, in all its nuances, within our personal lives.”


Introduction to Veiled Woman in the World


How Men Can Write About Only Men, but Women Write of Both