How to Travel the Emotion Wheel
All 7 of these emotions are good, and serve a purpose of centering us in the Lord, but they can also become overwhelming when they grow too great, and threaten to control us, rather than guide us. Therefore, there is a process by which we can travel out of a specific emotion, and - unsurprisingly - that process is Biblical.
Radical Femininity
Men are called by God to provide the necessities of life. By forming himself into the stability and backbone of the home, the man paradoxically earns himself freedom to live a life more free from labor. He finds himself free to participate in the polis of the larger community, because he has provided so well for his intimate community.
The woman, also, finds herself living a paradox. Because her husband has shown himself eager to provide for her, and grant stability, she finds herself free to labor. Her heart overflows with confidence and nurturing love, and everything to which she puts her hand prospers. Her activity increases, when he provides stability; and his interior life expands, when she proves herself worthy of holding his heart.
On Reading Private Revelation
Litany of Courage
Oh Jesus, Lion of Judah,
Hear me.
From the fear of displeasing you,
Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of disappointing you,
Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of not being enough,
Medicine Series: 3 Views of Pain
There are two philosophies regarding pain which I have yet come across. There may be some room for interpretation or variation within each, but by and large they distill down to what I call the Modern World View and the…
Healing from My Self-Imposed “Stay-At-Home Order”
COVID, my wakeup call to healing, friendship, and leaving home, made me realize that I had shut myself off from God and everyone, and given myself a stay-at-home order.
Holiness and Wholeness
Your Goodness Can Heal the World
21 Day Mind Detox Prayer
I apologize, but the search engine can be a bit finicky. First try usually gets you a ‘no results’ message, but just push that enter button again, and what you’re looking for should pop up. Happy Reading!