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Reclaiming Catholic Culture through Classic Literature: An Interview with Joseph Pearce
Catholicism, Literature Elizabeth Russell Catholicism, Literature Elizabeth Russell

Reclaiming Catholic Culture through Classic Literature: An Interview with Joseph Pearce

You may know him as the acclaimed expert on J.R.R. Tolkien, or you may know him for his Ignatius Press critical editions of the classics, but Joseph Pearce is also the dedicated editor for St. Austin Review (StAR), a publication committed to reclaiming culture.

The magazine centers on reviews of classical reads, articles that delve deeper into children and adult literature, and advice for why and how to approach the classics, so I was very excited when I found them! I reached out to Joseph Pearce, and he kindly agreed to share the story behind StAR, as well as some of his insider wisdom on the importance of reading the classics, particularly for Catholics.

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God in the Darkness of Miracles
Catholicism, Scripture Elizabeth Russell Catholicism, Scripture Elizabeth Russell

God in the Darkness of Miracles

It can be tempting to think of miracles as purely positive, uplifting things, and to only notice them when we see happy fruit, which is obvious to our very limited, mortal sight.

Miracles, however, - while always producing good fruit - nevertheless often include something unpleasant: a step we usually overlook, as a trial, and not something which is intrinsically part of the miracle itself.

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