The Smile
Can a smile change the world? I met a girl once whose entire smile was heaven itself. Can you claim to have ever seen such a smile?
I mean the pure smiles, you know.
So few have the pure smile.
That smile that we think must be a freak of nature, because who could really be that happy? But deep down, in our heart of hearts, we know her smile is pure.
It is bereft of deceit. Bereft of herself and her own insecurities. It breathes for the other.
And yes, sometimes the eyes are a part of it, but so many smile with their eyes when their lips are only going through the motions.
In this girl, it was so much more than that.
In her, the smile itself is actually heavenly.
It’s not that the eyes don’t smile. They do.
But somehow, remembering it now, I can’t see the eyes. They are just so much a whole part of her. They so perfectly meet and match the smile.
It’s the pure smiles, I think, that change the world.