The Invitational Hand
Have you ever met the girl with the invitational hand? Her soul flows from her in a joyous stream and when you meet her, I promise that you want to run to her, stretch out your arm, and fill your little cup from her running waters.
She is an abundant soul, consumed with learning how to love, and consumed with giving love away.
Her strength is in the Lord, and her heart too. Every breath she takes rests in Him, and she yearns to know Him better. If He gives away love like bread, why not she? If He feeds the souls and stomachs of His friends, why not she?
When you meet her, you will see.
When you see her, you will understand that the Love of the Lord is not dished only through Jesus, but through, vicariously, the outstretched hand of His overflowing handmaiden. She who dips her soul into the open piercedness of His Sacred Heart tips her bowl again to share with our cups below.