The Smile
Can a smile change the world? I met a girl once whose entire smile was heaven itself. Can you claim to have ever seen such a smile?
I mean the pure smiles, you know.
So few have the pure smile.
That smile that we think must be a freak of nature, because who could really be that happy? But deep down, in our heart of hearts, we know her smile is pure.
The Invitational Hand
Have you ever met the girl with the invitational handt? Her soul flows from her in a joyous stream and when you meet her, I promise that you want to run to her, stretch out your arm, and fill your little cup from her running waters.
She is an abundant soul, consumed with learning how to love, and consumed with giving love away.
The Peaceful Soul
When she enters the room, it is as though a mantle of deep indigo settles into every little nook, with a sigh of peace.
I like to see little bells;
Each little one tells
A story of fun and joy
And makes a clamorous toy
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