January 22, 2022
Conversation between a Writer and the Lord
Lord, you cannot want me. I am nothing. I have been ill, and ill-equipped. I allow people to give me too many excuses. How can you want me? Who am I, Oh Lord? What are you calling me to do?
Love me.
That’s all well and good, but what do I DO? How does this Love overflow to others?
Creative Writing
Of course. Tell the stories.
Who’s stories?
No ones. The ones in your head.
Do not ask why. Ask where.
Where, Lord?
In books. On Creative Anthology. I will tell you more.
And what of coaching?
What of it?
Why did you train me to be a life coach? Am I supposed to be working with women?
Ask me not why. Nor whether you are to be working with women.
Why not? How can I know how to serve you?
Serve me with your writing.
But my desire for women?! To help them?
What of it?
Lord, it’s not about that. I could easily put it on hold if not for the money. What of the money?
How much do you need?
$3,000 dollars a month.
Very well.
That answer does not bring me peace.
Why not?
Because I don’t see your how! And what if I am making up this conversation? What if you will not provide? Lord, I am scared.
Scared is good. Do you trust me?
I am mad at you.
Do you trust me?
My heart hurts!
Do you trust me?
Dangit, yes I do! How can I not?
Publish this.
This conversation? Why?
Do not ask why. Ask where.
Where then?
Creative Anthology
I have peace, my Lord. Thank you.