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God in the Darkness of Miracles
Catholicism, Scripture Elizabeth Russell Catholicism, Scripture Elizabeth Russell

God in the Darkness of Miracles

It can be tempting to think of miracles as purely positive, uplifting things, and to only notice them when we see happy fruit, which is obvious to our very limited, mortal sight.

Miracles, however, - while always producing good fruit - nevertheless often include something unpleasant: a step we usually overlook, as a trial, and not something which is intrinsically part of the miracle itself.

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Petitionary Prayer for the Warning
Prayer, Prophecy, Spirituality, Scripture Elizabeth Russell Prayer, Prophecy, Spirituality, Scripture Elizabeth Russell

Petitionary Prayer for the Warning

Lord Jesus, we who have been killed in white martyrdom, for the sake of the kingdom, and having received our white robes, cry out to you with anguish: O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before thou wilt judge and avenge our blood upon those who dwell upon the earth? Lord, we have no wine! We beg you to send the Day of Your Mercy, and flood us, and the whole world, with the vision of your particular judgement. Knowing that it shall be fearful in the presence of God, we joyfully embrace the knowledge of our sins in exchange for the sanctity that shall flood our hearts, and will open us to an even deeper relationship with You, paving the way for your Era of Peace. Amen.

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Radical Femininity
The Nature of Man and Woman, Woman Elizabeth Russell The Nature of Man and Woman, Woman Elizabeth Russell

Radical Femininity

Men are called by God to provide the necessities of life. By forming himself into the stability and backbone of the home, the man paradoxically earns himself freedom to live a life more free from labor. He finds himself free to participate in the polis of the larger community, because he has provided so well for his intimate community.

The woman, also, finds herself living a paradox. Because her husband has shown himself eager to provide for her, and grant stability, she finds herself free to labor. Her heart overflows with confidence and nurturing love, and everything to which she puts her hand prospers. Her activity increases, when he provides stability; and his interior life expands, when she proves herself worthy of holding his heart.

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