Virginal Love
Who is she who can know my sorrow?
What woman, blameless, has lost the love
of a good man?
Truly, if I am without fault,
and he without guilt,
what woman can know my sorrow?
Heavy lies the longing upon me
Heavy the loss that tears
at my heart
Can you say your man has departed
without betraying your trust?
Can you say he left you blameless?
If it be so, be not the blame upon you,
and upon your love…
but then, what of me?
I sit like Job, and it must be
because of my sin…
…there is no secret sin
And though he slay me
I put my trust in his proof-
proof of goodness.
Why am I thus deprived of you?
Wherefore have you departed?
When you know the yearning in my heart!
For it is the same as in yours.
It beats without departing-
It beats for truth in you.
I weep upon my knees
I beg in streams of tears
But my words meet no ears
Deaf and blind, in darkness I groan,
And sorrow turns to pain
turns to agony turns to
Patient surrender and abiding in the times
the times and the times
and your desire shall be
For a husband who is not
for a man who makes you wait
who is blameless
Before God, blameless before me,
I cannot even accuse him,
Only question, only wonder… only groan.
Daughter, said Christ to Galgani,
when she turned herself from Him,
Why do you deprive yourself of Me?
Do not wait another day!
Let no day go by!
Come to me without fear.
Come to me, beloved, without fear,
Come to me…
Wait not on your times
But on the times of the Lord,
Which are now.
Let not another day go by…