The Invisible Sheep
The haybales lay like fat pastured sheep in the field.
They had replaced livestock with produce, produce with miles and miles of nutrient deficient fields, and fields with long, windowless barns.
They still ate sheep. They still grew fat sheep. But they did it all invisibly.
They were wealthy enough and arrogant enough to hide away from sight those things that would one day go into their mouths. To run from the idea that something living, with sense and emotion, would one day enter dead into their system.
So many rebelled against this ‘invisible method’ of their fellow creatures. Their choice was not to enter the political and business sphere - to use money and influence to change the system - but to refuse to eat meat, and thus bring no support to those who treated them ill. But in their attempt to take down the evil corporations, they raised the animals themselves high upon a pedestal, and worshipped them. Overtime, those who listened to the narrative of abuse became so like sheep themselves, that they claimed there was, “No biological difference between animals and people.”
In an attempt to set things right, they consumed massive amounts of soy to let the sheep roam free.
No sheep roamed free. And the soy, grown irresponsibly by the same corporations who grew the sheep, slowly poisoned their systems.