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Elizabeth Russell Elizabeth Russell

August 27, 2021

Dear Actor Who Plays Judas in The Chosen,

Thank you for your incredible acting, and the gift you bring to so many people watching you bring to life the best story ever told.

Dear Actor Who Plays Judas in The Chosen,

Thank you for your incredible acting, and the gift you bring to so many people watching you bring to life the best story ever told.

I do not know if you are Catholic, or if you believe in Saints, but I feel compelled to write and warn you about the spiritual warfare you will experience as you move forward with this role. Judas is the only one of the disciples who is not a saint. While other actors on set, and those in production, will experience their own kinds of temptation, attack, and difficulty, they are not method acting in the role of the disciple who betrayed God.

Method acting is a great gift for viewers, but comes with its own set of difficulties, for you are compelled to not only portray the character, but enter into their inmost thoughts and feelings, in order to bring them into a true life-like aspect on camera. This has been difficult for actors in the past, as I am sure you know.

When temptations arise, other actors can invoke their patrons and namesakes, - Peter, John, even Christ himself - but you cannot pray to yours. Instead, it comes to my mind that your two greatest intercessors in Heaven are St. Jude, the patron saint of the impossible, who shared a name with your character, and St. Matthias, who replaced Judas as one of the Twelve in Acts. When you experience mental or physical distress invoke their aid, that they may keep you from ever betraying your Lord, even in the smallest misstep, and they will be swift to your rescue.

Again, thank you for your willingness and dedication to this role. Your acting is incredible, and I appreciate how Judas was brought into the story. He is wide-eyed, eager to see what will happen next, and potentially too easily misled, with too little of a solid foundation in morality. I am eager to see Season 3, and how his character progresses.

God bless you,


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journal entry Elizabeth Russell journal entry Elizabeth Russell

July 15, 2021

What’s your route this time?

It’s more up in the air than before. I headed out from Springfield to Shawnee National Forest (southern tip of Illinois. I could see Kentucky across the Ohio River from my campsite.) on the 9th of July, and expected to stay 1 day, but stayed 4. Then I drove to Chattanooga Tennessee for one overnight stop, and then to my friends’ house in South Carolina. Now I’m headed to a Catholic retreat center an hour and a half away, in the Blue Ridge Mountains, to stay for an indeterminate amount of time, and help them out. I’m also working to get an event set up in Nashville Tennessee, and potentially Louisiana. So we’ll see where God takes me in August. 🥰

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reflection, journal entry Elizabeth Russell reflection, journal entry Elizabeth Russell

July 10, 2021

There is an intense thunderstorm raging outside. I cannot sleep through the noise, and I am worried, because an electronic transfer that I put through 2 days ago has yet to appear in my account. My cell signal is spotty.

And yet…

I am physically safe. St. Joseph has assured me that I am operating on a budget - when I get money, it’s time to move on, and when I don’t, I stay. I do not need to worry about having too little. I am concerned about my next stop: I will probably drive through rain tomorrow, if I receive the funds for gas, and the camping spot is a little difficult to reach. Will it be too dangerous, with all the rain? And if I cannot move on, will I spend another night in rain? I don’t know how well I will sleep, or if I will have the battery life to last that long, without running my car. But maybe, I just need to read during the day, and pray at night, if battery power runs low.

The final thing is that I left the tent uncovered last night, with a few items inside. A water bottle - no problem there. A bag of food - soggy, but should be mostly ok. And my journal + Count of Monte Cristo. They will probably be unusable now, which makes me sad. I love my journal from Emily, and I hope it’s ok… but I don’t see how.

Morning after…

The sun sure does shine brighter in the morning, and that’s not just a figure of speech!

My journal is salvageable. My tent is drying. The transfer hasn’t gone through, and now it’s the weekend, so guess I’m hanging here for a few days. All God’s timing. I feel safe, secure, and even though I had a scare with the brake light on the dashboard, nothing feels wrong with the brakes, so I’m just going to drive over to Elizabethtown to purchase some brake fluid this evening, and see if that solves the problem. I currently have $19.36 in my account. Enough to buy fluid, ice bag for the cooler, and $10 worth of gas. Oh yeah. Living free, and on a budget!

This is what happens when launching a full time business from nothing, but it’s NOT gonna happen much longer! I’m signing 6 students for my Catholic Creators Course this month. With the first release discount, that is $4200 income for this month. All students are paying in full - some are on payment plans.

I am speaking into this with trust, with thanksgiving, and with joy. I know God has given me this knowledge and talent to share with others. So I trust Him to send me the clients who need this. Thank you Lord Jesus that I am forming creative leaders for your kingdom!

Ooh… random thought. God gave me male friends to teach me how to coach occasional male students. With all the conversations Christian and Isaac and I have, plus my experiences (good and growth) with my brothers.

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journal entry, reflection Elizabeth Russell journal entry, reflection Elizabeth Russell

March 13, 2020

Trust in the Lord in the midst of global crisis

Coronavirus update from The Catholic Corner Store

We’ve all seen them. The emails pouring into our inboxes from local and even global organizations assuring us that their top priority is everyone’s safety. It’s a great priority to have. But as Catholics, our top priority is not safety, but HEAVEN.

It’s serving God every moment that we are here, not being afraid of death, and supporting each other in moments of crisis. Pope JPII said, “Be not afraid!”

At the Catholic Corner, we are being careful. But we are also being prayerful. If you want comfort in this time, please stop by to talk with us. We are here to be a light in the darkness. We are here to remember that the world has been through many crises, and will be through many more, and that God always helps us through them. Let us embrace his healing power! And pray for peace, health, and above all, in this troubled, fearful time, increased trust in the Lord!

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journal entry, reflection Elizabeth Russell journal entry, reflection Elizabeth Russell

February 11, 2020

For the Lord has given us today,

And tomorrow he will give us that too

Trust for Today

For the Lord has given us today,

And tomorrow he will give us that too

Each day brings gifts anew,

Each moment is a new day.

Today he has given me grace Abundant!

And tomorrow he will measure His graces again, according to my needs.

Praise His Name!

Praise His Name!

Praise His Name!

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