February 22, 2022

A Message to a Friend

I know you’ll understand this. Probably better than I do - I always find I understand other people’s health journeys better than my own… oh well, we live and learn.

I realized belatedly that part of my reluctance with borrowing the car to come visit was actually health related, but because I’ve been wanting to hang out, I wasn’t letting myself notice that. Lately, going anywhere takes a day to recover from, and getting together mid week means losing at least a day and a half of work. But I wasn’t noticing, feeling like I ‘should’ be able to function better. My mom reminded me the other day, when I was frustrated with some health setbacks, that this is February, and it’s usual to have lower energy in February. So, living and learning. Sorry, I feel like I’ve been all over the map with just a simple get together! Honestly, the Lord has been stretching me a lot lately when it comes to accepting a quieter, slower life - even quieter and slower than I could have ever imagined. And yet, deeply peaceful and healing.

Ok, well, I’ve sent you a novel. This is what happens when I text at 5am, lol. Hopefully, this insomnia will pass, and I’ll fall asleep soon. 😅

Let me know if a phone call would work for you. That I can do at this time. 😉


Mar 15, 2022


February 1, 2022