December 9, 2021

The broader culture wants us to believe that the path to fulfillment, for women, consists in helping to provide for her family’s financial needs. There is a narrative that if the woman isn’t bringing in income, then she’ll never feel truly fulfilled, or have achieved her real purpose. This lie is not so much about whether or not the woman works, but about whether or not she brings in income, which the culture likes to tell us has merit in and of itself. What the culture doesn’t tell us is that there are other fulfilling paths for women, which may have nothing to do with income, or providing monetarily for our families. While some of us will be called to work outside the home, others of us will be called to work part-time or totally at home. Though the culture glorifies the woman of the world, what it often misses in this glorification is the gift that is the work of the stay-at-home mother.


December 20, 2021


November 18, 2021