The Blindness of Babylon

My dear brother,

I just watched your video of addressing the city council.

Ouch. That was painful. They are so blind.


I have written this long and deep letter right after watching it. It’s very personal, and in it, I not only follow my own train of thought on some of the issues, but I challenge you. I ask you now to cross yourself, and read this prayerfully, because I believe the Lord wanted me to share my point of view with you, and I believe you will understand what I am saying. (I don’t think you’ll be offended or anything, it not that kind of letter, its just really dense, so hopefully it makes sense. And it only will if the Holy Spirit interprets.)

I begin, in Part 1, by explaining WHY you failed so completely to gain understanding and open-mindedness from the council. It’s obvious to you, I’m sure, but I had to start there for my own mental process. It’s painful to watch, because they find it so easy to counter you by virtue signaling, putting themselves back up on pedestals you have loosely knocked into. They’re mad, but they do not feel threatened. It’s easy to stay on a virtual pedestal when a lumberjack is trying to hit into it with an ax. How do you knock over something that’s already fake?

Then, in Part 2, I go deeper, explaining why it is impossible that you will ever gain their sympathy, and not only why you should not try, but why these efforts may actually be futile. The Lord told the apostles “And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off even the dust of your feet, for a testimony against them.” Luke 9:5.

I conclude with encouragement, and prophecies that the Holy Spirit has been sharing with me for some time, concerning you. Please accept them with a grain of salt, as no prophesy is ever exact, or can be completely claimed as coming entirely from the Lord, without being affected by the prophet’s own imagination. (Again, this is why the Holy Spirit needs to do some interpreting. ;)


Unfortunately, they did not and could not receive you, because you made a pretense at meeting them on their playing field, in order to catch them unaware, but then failed to further engage in their game. You would have had to meet them half-way in order for them to see you as an ally, truly invested in the city and its people. You failed to gain any respect or sympathy from any council member, however, because they could not understand your points, which were coming from an entirely separate ball field: a first baseman can not throw the runner out if the ball did not come from the same field. As they saw it, they directly addressed your proposed point, which had to do with holding a Fourth of July ceremony, so once they addressed that, you should have responded either by thanking them for their efforts, or else by challenging and clarifying what you meant by ‘showing support.’ Unfortunately, to them, and to anyone watching who does not know your heart and the deeper points of your argument, you came across as uninformed and nit-picky, and even those who might have sided with you on some points were disgusted.

The reason this happened is because you chose a topic that you believed was common ground, but found that it had no effect in waking them up. They were not conscience-pricked by paying less attention to the Fourth of July than to Ukraine or Juneteenth. The new holiday and the war are, in their opinion, more important, and nothing you could have said would have changed those opinions, because they stem entirely from an appeal to sympathy. Your point of view is not sympathy - it is a holistic, world-changing ideology that embraces ‘freedom for’ above ‘freedom from,’ and dignity above the preservation of life. When it comes down to it, you would rather two countries (namely Ukraine and Russia), both given over to slavery and depravity, bomb each other out, than that another country (America), which is also given to depravity, go over to help the victims by siding with one corrupt army over another. Rather, the third country would do better to revisit her own values and priorities, the truths upon which she was founded, and build up her nation in truth, righteousness, and holiness. Instead, we are avoiding the war at home by directing our energies abroad, justifying it by calling it a ‘global economy’. (What rubbish! So we are justified in fighting other people’s wars because if we don’t, we lose access to luxuries? Stupid! Moving on…)


THESE are the truths of the matter: that there are greater issues at stake than which countries are at war. They are the truths at which you hinted, but which no one understood. They cannot conceptualize that someone would think such things, unless he were the ruler of a fanatic cult, or something like that.

Essentially, you need to speak the whole truth, or none at all. At this time, you are trying to avoid speaking on an alternate field from them - you are trying to find common ground on which to speak about these topics. But you’re just butting heads against a glass wall that separates you both. The mayor clearly believes that he loves his city. The Aldermen believe it. Even those who oppose him believe it. They can’t imagine how wrong they are, because they are living on an alternate plain from you. They do not subscribe to your values, your fight, or your opinion. They cannot even conceive of it. All you look like to them is a man trying to poke holes in a system that works, that is respectful of modern values, and that upholds the general principles of those who came before them. In other words, you have insulted their present, their past, and you have no toleration for their future.

Which is true. You HAVE no toleration for their future. However, after the points you made, they still don’t know WHY. The hints were not enough. They do not understand basic Christianity, and no amount of ‘Rebuking the Sinner’ will resolve that. The Spiritual Work of Mercy necessary here has become ‘Instructing the Ignorant.’ They cannot face what they do not even know.

Your personal plane of sight, upon which you stand, is a crusade against human sin and slavery, and unfortunately, you’re facing a room of people who are all either in denial, or else deeply, knowingly, and happily saturated in it. That means you are facing the devil and his paeans, and the paeans just don’t know what they don’t know. They read The Wall Street Journal and consider themselves informed. Such a default opinion is not arrogance - it’s stupidity. Stupidity that stems from the fact that no one has told them the truth clearly enough for them to perk up and pay attention - they always hear and focus only on the side issues. (But I’m not saying that they ever WILL hear it. In fact, without Divine Intervention, I’m very doubtful of it. But that’s another issue.)

The truth is NOT that we have human slavery and trafficking. They know and accept this truth.

The truth is NOT that we should have a Fourth of July celebration. They know and accept this too.

The truth, in its essence, is that they need to stop putting sympathy for victims in other countries as their top priority. They need to stop believing the lies promulgated by people who lie even to themselves. And they need to stop lying to themselves about their own motives, pasts, and glorious city on a hill.

They need to do some housecleaning in their own souls.

They need to face the fact that human trafficking is right around the corner, in their city, in their hearts, and they need to deal with it. Not fight a war against Russia, who is a far too easy enemy for them to hate. Not against Communism, which is a word so overworn it has become meaningless. And not against ‘mind-less’ bombers who kill innocent people for no reason. (That’s so stupid! Everyone has a reason! Anyway…)

My brother, you are on a separate field from these people, and everyone in the city, and you do not stand on this separate field because you know more facts than them.

They know the same facts, and they read the same literature as you. But they are still immersed in the Spirit of Confusion which rules our land. They read the same words as you, and their understanding comes nowhere near the truth. They hear the same tragedies, and do not see the true pattern.

“YOU need to wake up,” they say. “YOU need to see that you are the problem in our country - you who cause division for no reason. How dare you attack my love of my country and city? How dare you question it? The ONLY division that we allow for is whether we should make 5 pancakes, or 17. We NEVER question whether there is wheat in the pantry. Get out of our kitchen!”


Do not think that you see these things because you are better educated, or because you grew up Catholic. These are only accidentals that the Lord has used to form you. You see these things because He is instructing you in them. The Holy Spirit is infusing Himself into your soul, to awaken you to the errors of the world, and to prepare you for the coming trials, whatever they are.

I encourage you, before you make another statement before the council, to ask whether you are speaking the full truth, and what your reason is for being there.

You are so strong in the Spiritual Works of Mercy, the Holy Spirit is making you stronger, and you have a natural leaning toward Admonishing the Sinner. You’re good at it. But is it the proper one for this season? Can your admonishing do good, or are they beyond your reach? We are only asked to admonish those who will receive us. The one thing they have said they are open to is free speech, and hearing your point of view. They have not come to you for spiritual direction or guidance.

Yes, they lack any one to admonish them, and so it would appear to be your responsibility to do so, but I am not questioning whether or not they need it (obviously), but whether or not that is the best direction for YOU and your energy. This is not about them. I believe the four Spiritual Acts that are relevant here are Bearing Wrongs Patiently, Praying for the Living, and - possibly - Instructing the Ignorant. But only if the Holy Spirit urges you to do so.

The Lord is forming you, His beloved son - husband, father, friend, brother, and son - into a leader. And as He takes you each step closer to His Telos (ultimate purpose and direction) for your life, He is teaching you to meet each moment with discernment. I do believe it was right for you to go and speak to the council. It was right for you to challenge their half-hearted celebrations, and blind support of a corrupt nation. But what is the fruit? Does it go beyond the growth in your own heart? The Holy Spirit is teaching you to be a leader, and I believe you are learning to identify who it is that will follow behind.

There will come a day when you will not feel like you’re pushing against a brick wall. That day is coming soon. On that day, you will push, and it will be like a boat caught in a tide, and every touch of your hand will gently guide the direction, with no resistance and no frustration. You will not be met by blind, ignorant deceivers whose ears are stuffed with wool. You will lead flocks of believers who know your voice, and know the voice of the Lord, and will follow you in droves to His pastures.

Keep fighting the good fight. As always, I’m proud of you, and I love you,


P.S. I’m happy to talk to you about any of this. It was just easier for me to organize and clarify it in a letter - I’m not doing it to avoid saying it to you directly. ;-) Love you!


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