

  • 1. What are the talents you see in yourself? List as many as possible. (Use the Divine Attributes cheat sheet if you would like)

    2. What are the talents you wish you had, but don’t? List as many as 4, but no more than 10. (Use the Divine Attributes cheat sheet if you would like)

  • Taking each talent you listed, meditate on it.

    Why do you wish to have this skill? Is this a deep yearning of your heart? Do you think people will think better of you if you have this skill? Have you avoided learning or practicing it, because you think people will think worse of you?

    Answer as honestly as you can, either in your heart, or by journaling. No one is looking at this - it is between you and God.

  • 1. Now invite the Lord into the conversation. Show Him each skill you desire. Ask Him if it is His plan for you. Ask Him if there are any additional skills He intends for you, but which you did not think of.

    2. Revise the list, if necessary.

    3. Take the finished list to God, and praise Him for the gifts and talents He has given you.

    4. Then praise Him because He possesses all of them, and more! Spend a few minutes, at least, thanking and praising Him for His divine attributes! Use the Divine Attributes sheet I included, if you like, and make a litany of it.

    5. Finally, ask Him to infuse and instruct you with the skills you desire, but do not yet possess.

    6. Ask Him to guide you through this course.