21 Day “Taking Captive Every Thought” Prayer
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Cor 10:5
Pray this prayer for 21 days, taking each step moment by moment, and not rushing ahead until you have allowed for reflection in each moment. After 21 days, you will experience a great healing. Scientifically, your brain will have unwritten the negative thought and replaced it with a positive one, rooted in Christ’s truth. This is not a magic prayer, but one that requires meditation and concentration on your part. I find it easier to invite Christ into the entire process, but it is not necessary that you pray during the entire experience. However, using a scripture verse as a positive thought to replace a negative one is one of the best ways that you can experience healing through this encounter. I offer you this prayer as a guide, but please feel free to adapt it however you like, so long as you make sure to follow each step. If you would like to learn more about this process, and the science behind it, you can read the book by Dr. Caroline Leaf, Switch On Your Brain.
Dear sweet Jesus, I beseech you to come to me now in this moment of quiet. Help me to be alert in all my senses. To what I smell, taste, see, feel, and hear. With a deep breathe, as I bring my negative thoughts into the forefront of my mind, (Fill in the blank [my anxieties, fears, health issues, etc.,]) I reflect on specific moments when I have allowed these thoughts to govern my reality.
Both consciously and unconsciously, I have allowed these untruths to take root in my day-to-day living. I beseech you to help me to change these thoughts. To turn them from negative to positive – to a deep trusting in you, and a rejoicing in your healing strength.
I take this moment to write down a map of my fears, hopes, desires, and setbacks. (Write them down, either as a list, or an inter-connected web)
I offer you the things I have just written. Both negative and positive, all my life experiences are yours, each and every moment. I rejoice in you, and thank you for the insight to be able to recognize my limitations and strengths. Guide me to your truths, both in scripture and in good advice, and help me to hit on the words that will unseat and uproot the insidious lies that I have believed, which are contrary to the beautiful truth that you have created me to recognize in my heart.
Taking these words that you have sent me, I resolve to think on them and pray on them throughout the day, rooting them into my mind and resolving to give no more thought and no more development to those negative thoughts that have until now governed my life. I embrace your freedom, Lord! Thank you for the grace to live in your truth. Amen.