21 Day Brain Detox and Meditation

With Dr. Caroline Leaf

The 21 Day Process is propounded by many brain rewiring experts, but Dr. Leaf is my personal favorite! Her book, Switch on Your Brain, was the first insight I had into how the brain works, and how we don’t need to stay trapped in our genetics and past experiences. We can grow and thrive!

Our bodies are interwoven, whole. What affects our mind, affects our emotions, and what affects our emotions affects our body. When we understand this on a level of belief, we can choose the life we want to live.

Dr. Leaf is Christian

Hear how she integrates science, medicine, and faith.


The Process:


Step 1 - Gather

Bring to your mind the big problem that’s been crippling your life and throwing up roadblocks - is it anxiety, poverty, food? Notice how you feel. What are your impressions around this problem?


Step 2 - Reflect

How do you want this problem to change? What freedom do you desire? Do you believe you can rise above it? Claim it!


Step 3 - Write

Pull out your journal and write a ‘brain map’ of the thoughts that revolve around your mind in connection with this problem. Bringing these thoughts not only into the forefront of your mind, but actually writing them down is imperative to the rewiring process. You are taking your beliefs from the subconscious level to the conscious! Write with abandon, letting the thoughts branch out from the topic.

Step 4 - Revisit

Take a second to look over what you’ve written. What jumps out at you? The goal is to narrow your brain dump into a negative statement that you want to rewire. Choose a bible verse or truth from God to replace the negative thought. For example:

the thought “I’m too poor to buy healthy food” can be replaced with “If any son of yours asks for bread, do you not give it to him? How much more will your Heavenly Father care for you?”


Step 5 - Reach

Finally, take the positive thought (make sure it’s short enough to remember), and repeat it throughout the day whenever the negative thought starts to creep in again.

Why 21 Days?


Rewire to Positivity

Dr. Caroline explains it best, but the short version is that it takes 21 days for the proteins that form a negative thought to break down and the proteins of a positive thought to build into a subconscious solidity. The electrical signals of your thoughts literally form into traceable structures in your brain. YOU have power over YOUR life!